Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Facebook | Victor Chatham

Facebook | Victor Chatham: "Day 21 in June; It Rained

Sitting on the front porch the sun gone from my face
The summer solstice brings showers and cools the place
Enjoying the moment; not thinking much about future or past... See More
Looking out at trees and a variety of growing grass
I hear the distance rumble of US Highway 45 sounds
South and north they go; I care not where they are bound
Louder than thunder is the afternoon songs of the birds
They seem to sing for sheer joy and not to be heard
The thunder rolls from south to north in the western sky
At peace and no need to ask the question “Why?”
A cardinal flies across the plain of my quiet rest"

Facebook | Victor Chatham

Facebook | Victor Chatham: "An Afternoon Cloud

In the northwest sky a “thunderhead” slowly rises
It seems to change in shape and size
The sun changes the cloud colors with bright rays
The cloud morphs a bit; will it go completely away?
Now there is a gray blob where once there was beautiful white
Strange how we judge with our taste and line of sight
Now the” thunderhead” is hid away by the shining sun
Now wait to see if play time is over and done
Entertaining one’s self with the clouds, grass, and trees
A gift from God the imagination and what it sees
Thank you creator God for these majestic sights
The likes of which your children can enjoy and take delight"

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Matter that Moves One Toward Faith

Three in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Spent my life time trying to understand it
Father, Mother, the Holy One created
Evil, good, chaos, order; toward goodness order was weighted
Then there is Jesus; God in person to be seen
Making his way in the world our sorry lives to redeem
The spirit Holy comes to allow for singing God’s refrain
The Holy Spirit presents in our lives God and Jesus to sustain
Three in One; a tedious difficult rational precept
The mystery, not understood, as an act of faith accepts

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Pentecost of the Human Spirit

War’s raging fires smothered the youthful fire to a smoldering ember.
Now it flames forth in those coming to life’s October and November
We are cojoled to be quiet and not speak of the loss
We are encouraged to confront God’s spirit at Pentecost
How does one accept the burning spirit of the living God
When we refuse to give the fullness of our human spirits a mere nod
We symbolize this day with a bright fiery red
Yet we fight to smother the fire burning in our own heads
A conversation, a touch, a look or maybe a lost word
Breaks open the fire to babble its truth that seeks to be heard
So come now Holy Spirit of God our Creator
Flame our human spirits that with your spirit we may eternally soar.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day

Some will anticipate the return they will receive
Others, for what they owe, money will give
With this comes a freedom hard to believe
As in a beautiful vast free country we live

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Simple Look At Holy Week's Beginning

The smell of coffee creeps into the room
I’ll get myself a cup to watch the sun rise soon
It’s Monday, the beginning of Holy Week
Once again to understand God’s and human behavior I seek
Isaiah says of God’s servant, “He will not cry or lift up his voice”
Humankind makes its own good/horrible choice
Politicians and pundits of all stripes would speak for the divine
Let us pray to God that this Holy Week God our dross will refine
Every year, to my despair, the journey nears its end
God an incredible message continues to send

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring"Oddball Theology for the Fifth Sunday of Lent"

She washed his feet with sweet perfume; I revolt at the smell of a flower's too sweet bloom. Perhaps she spread the fragrance with her hair; I would be uncomfortable with such intimate care. The Christ readily accepted the gift; such acceptance, like a quake in the earth, causes my soul to shift.